Serve The Greater Good

Care for one another

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. - John 13:34 Our Congregational Care ministries focus on creating a caring and supportive community for people at Foothills United Methodist Church.

Prayer Chain

Our prayer team is a group of men and women who pray for the concerns and praises of our church members and their family and friends. Prayer requests are passed on to members of the Prayer Team by e-mail. To be included in the prayer e-mails, contact the church office.

Hospitality and Fellowship

From the greeters at the front door, to the ushers helping in our worship services, to the hosts in the kitchen setting out doughnuts and making the coffee…it is a team effort to provide the hospitality and fellowship we all enjoy on Sunday mornings.

Memorial Hospitality

This ministry team provides organizational leadership and support for funeral and memorial service receptions.

Doorkeepers Men’s Group

A group of men meet on Tuesday mornings for fellowship and a devotional. They then work on church grounds as needed.

Knitting and Prayer Shawl Group

Whether you’re a novice or a master knitter/crocheter, you’re welcome to join. Prayer shawls created in the group are blessed and given as gifts to people going through traumatic life experiences. Once a month members of this group also teach homeless women how to make prayer shawls.